The Social Prescribing of Psychosocial Interventions in the Treatment of Addictions and Substance Use Disorders with Military Veterans: A Reclamation of Identity and Belonging


Social prescribing is a way of connecting individuals to a source of support within the community to help improve their health and well-being. Social prescribing programmes are being widely promoted within the United Kingdom (UK) and United States (US) as non-pharmaceutical interventions for those living with addiction and substance misuse needs. These needs have been exasperated by the recent covid-19 pandemic and global economic crisis with emerging research indicating short-term and long-term detrimental effects on physical and mental health due to substance misuse and addictions. Psychosocial interventions utilize psychological or social factors rather than an overreliance on biological interventions to treat the health impacts of mental illnesses such as addictions and substance use disorder. In this paper, I will discuss the associated determinants of addictions and substance for the military veteran population, as well as how the social prescribing of psychosocial interventions could be used to reaffirm participant’s identity and enhance their sense of belonging for military veterans within Wales, UK.