Synergistic Effect of Imidacloprid and Fungus Aspergillus flavus Against SubterraneanTermite (Rhinotermitidae:Blattodea)UnderLaboratoryConditions


Termites were reported to be nested within the Blattaria [1] It is well established that eusocial termites evolved from a sub-social ancestor [2,3]. Termites are hemimetabolous, social insects and major pests of different urban and agricultural objects, such as timber, paper and different crops, [4,5], and efficient decomposers of wood and leaves in natural systems [6-8]. Termites comprise four different castes; king, queen, soldiers and workers [9], and mature colonies may contain thousands of individuals [10], which are Termites are known to eat faeces, dead termites, cast-off skin, and debris, and process these waste materials for building nests [11].