Plant Auxins in Plant Growth


Since 2012, the open-access journal Agrotechnology has published articles that have undergone peer review. The Journal discusses a range of agrotechnology topics, such as watersheds, nutrient management technology, weather forecasting, technologies to combat abiotic stress, crop selection, land reclamation and remediation technology, recycling of organic components, agrometeorology, nursery management, agroforestry, agro-hydro modelling, dry land farming, and more. The journal focuses on disseminating latest innovations and breakthroughs in management technology, resource conservation, agricultural production, and development as well as concepts and approaches for sustainable development.

Auxin plays a crucial role in controlling plant growth and development by regulating embryonic development, root and stem tropisms, apical dominance, and the transition to blooming. Auxin levels rise in populations of undifferentiated cells and fall during organ commencement and tissue differentiation. Auxin transport proteins through polar auxin transport (PAT) enable this uneven auxin distribution. In plants, auxin transporters are primarily classified into four families: PIN-FORMED (PIN), ATP-binding cassette family B (ABCB), AUXIN1/LIKE-AUX1s, and PIN-LIKES. These families comprise proteins that participate in auxin influx, efflux, or both from the apoplast into the cell or from the cytosol into the ER compartment at the plasma membrane or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The dicotyledon model species Arabidopsis has been the focus of most research on auxin transporters; nevertheless, there is mounting evidence that auxin regulates development in monocotyledon species as well. Families of auxin transporters are expanded in monocots and frequently contain duplicated genes and highly similar-sequenced proteins. These proteins' structures and expression in organs like adventitious roots, panicles, tassels, and ears experienced sub- and neo-functionalization as well as significant change.

The majority of the current knowledge on the operation of monocot auxin transporters comes from research done on rice, maize, sorghum, and Brachypodium employing pharmacological interventions (PAT inhibitors) or down-/up-regulation (over-expression and RNA interference) of candidate genes. Went (1926) originally identified the plant hormone auxin as Indol-3-acetic acid (IAA) while researching the tropic response of Avena sativa coleoptiles. Later, during the first part of the 20th century, four other phytohormones—abscisic acid, cytokinins, gibberellins, and ethylene—were discovered. Additional substances, such as brassinosteroids (BR), jasmonate (JA), salicylic acid (SA), nitric oxide (NO), and strigolactones, have lately been acknowledged as hormones (SLs). Cell division, elongation, differentiation, embryonic development, root and stem tropisms, apical dominance, and flower development are just a few of the processes that auxin regulates in plants. A number of compounds that resemble auxin have been discovered in addition to IAA, which is the most prevalent natural form of auxin. Despite the fact that 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and naphthalene-1-acetic acid (NAA) are synthetic substances with biological activity comparable to IAA, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA), and phenylacetic acid (PAA) are all present in plants.